product life cycle

4 Stages of product life cycle

4 Stages of Product Life Cycle

Every product is of either single part or made of assembly of multiple parts. Each part takes different form, Fit and functionality and material of construction. Together when they forms as a product creates some value to the user and serves its purpose for which it’s made. Product design is a process or methodology involving various steps, tools, skills, technology to arrive at the final product that serves the basic requirements of the customer, that is simple to use, and lasts for long, lower cost to manufacture.


At this stage, team will go through all Ideas generated before and narrow down on one idea that looks best in all aspects like manufacturability and within cost that’s affordable by the customer.


At this stage, team will go through all Ideas generated before and narrow down on one idea that looks best in all aspects like manufacturability and within cost that’s affordable by the customer.


At this stage, team will go through all Ideas generated before and narrow down on one idea that looks best in all aspects like manufacturability and within cost that’s affordable by the customer.


At this stage, team will go through all Ideas generated before and narrow down on one idea that looks best in all aspects like manufacturability and within cost that’s affordable by the customer.

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